A short trip to the spanish desert
On one of the hottest days we set out for the desert.
Passing Fort Bravo, the old western town, on a stretch of motorway, we pass Gérgal and finally reach our stage destination Las Alcubillas. Here we enter the desert via a dry riverbed. It's so steep that two guys run ahead to check if we can continue with the motorbikes at all. Luckily it works. Tall reeds give us some shade before we drive further and further into the desert on the narrow gravel road. In the distance you can still hear the cars, until at some point there is only silence. This semi-desert is no ordinary desert. The higher we go, the more it resembles a canyon - a mixture of boulders and sand. I take photos of the guys pulling up on their machines. In full gear with helmet and gloves - no fun in the heat, as you can imagine.
For safety reasons alone, there is no other way. We also want to show the clothes as well as possible. Suddenly Tim drives on without prior agreement and we lose sight of him. What we only find out later: His old BMW has a massive fan problem, so he parks under a ledge in the shade to fix the problem. As we go in search of him, a huge eagle is circling in the sky above us. It's incredibly hot. Finally we catch up with him. The guys help with installation and removal, and I take pictures of the action. From now on, the fan runs with constant current, so that the motor is cooled. Problem solved. We give the wheels a good spin and spin the machines from left to right for some wild shots.
„„Problem solved: From now on, the fan runs on continuous current.“
As we drive on, Tim heats up again cross-country. His route turns out to be a stroke of luck: I take more pictures in front of a huge ledge with a great structure. In the meantime, Timo grabs the drone to capture the crazy landscape. Individually laid out terraces on different levels, in between a heap of dried undergrowth - a pretty good place for moving driving shots. In the background the fantastic mountain scenery. As we all stand together again, a group of motocross riders speeds past us. For their estimated 8 or 9 years of age, they looked pretty professional. Seems like the kids here don't do anything but cruise all day long. As dawn breaks, we have to make sure we get out of the desert again. We use Google Maps to find a few routes. The first attempt fails. Too much rubble. We can't get through here with the bikes.
Suddenly we are surprised by a horde of wild stray dogs that are chasing us. A moment of shock. Fortunately, when we twist the throttle, the dogs are gone again. We follow the desert road and end up in Santa Fe de Mondújar. The street is super narrow. With a shoulder glance we see the beautiful sunset. Visually, an absolute dream. We stop in front of a tapas bar in town. It feels like the locals are already talking about us. Tim and Timo order with hands and feet and quickly warm up to the guests. The atmosphere is relaxed, the food is really good. It is now dark and the day is slowly coming to an end. We drive back to the camp via the highway. I'll take some more night shots of the boys and the streetlights glowing. K.o., but happy we fall into our camp at half past midnight.